Bane / Trump

Ya saben que Bane es la ideología contrainsurgente del establishment (neo)liberal, ¿verdad? Bane fue el modo en que decidieron caricaturizar el descontento popular de Occupy Wall Street, de asustar cualquier imaginación de una transformación radical en medio de la crisis.

El paralelismo Bane/Trump no significa que apelar al poder popular sea ya un gesto político protofascista. Si acaso ese paralelismo significa algo es precisamente que Trump es un resultado directo del aparato demócrata. Batear a Bernie sacó a relucir el "Bane" en Trump. Trump solo les está devolviendo sus propias fantasías ideológicas.


You already know that Bane is the counterinsurgency ideology of the (neo)liberal establishment, right? Bane was the way they decided to caricature the popular discontent of Occupy Wall Street, to frighten any imagination of a radical transformation in the middle of the crisis.

The Bane/Trump parallelism doesn't mean that appealing to popular power is already a protofascist political gesture. If that parallelism means anything, it is precisely that Trump is a direct result of the Democratic apparatus. Having Bernie rejected brought out the "Bane" in Trump. Trump is just giving them back their own ideological fantasies.